About Me

Before I knew that Copywriting was a “thing”, I wrote for work, studies and volunteering.

Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine that all my writing during the last 20 years could lead to a career.  

Working in the health, fitness and beauty industry, I had to update clients regarding classes, specials and products. During holidays away, clients required constant updates on our travels. 

Doing a part-time B.Sc. involved plenty of research and lots of academic writing.

Volunteering is a big passion of mine (especially Search and Rescue). My involvement always required writing blog posts, newsletters, newspaper articles, Facebook posts and WhatsApp / text information messages.  

Knowledge is power and I do believe a person should never stop learning. Writing courses done through Udemy:

The Complete Copywriting Course: Write to sell like a Pro (Tamsin Henderson) Finished

Build a lucrative Copywriting Portfolio with ease (Tamsin Henderson) Finished

Browsers to Buyers: 21 Powerful Website Copywriting Hacks (Tamsin Henderson) Finished

Find your Copywriting Super-Niche: 5 Steps to More Profits (Tamsin Henderson) Still Busy

Proof Sells a 5 week course about Case Studies (Tamsin Henderson) Still Busy

The Complete Digital Marketing Guide – 24 Courses in 1 (Robin & Jesper) Still busy

I look forward to using the writing skills obtained in the last 20 years to make your life easier. To write magical copy to help market and sell your business or write newsletters, maybe your biggest obstacle ever. Use my love of words to define your world!

Vanya Jones